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picture1_Financial Spreadsheet 41826 | Qr2022 Q1 Ex En

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File: Financial Spreadsheet 41826 | Qr2022 Q1 Ex En
sheet 1 contents excel version of selected tables from the quarterly financial report supplementary revenue information revenue by region year to date r11 revenue by region quarterly r12 product sales ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet contents excel version of selected tables from the quarterly financial report supplementary revenue information by region year to date r product sales analysis reported amp core cer change forecast appendix fy q results with actual and a reconciliation full fx rates assumptions currency sensitivity capex depreciation amortization impairment losses table growth at bn jpy fyq ytd yoy total japan pt united states europe canada emerging markets asia excluding latin america russiacis other which royalty service income amount is classified into countries or regions based on customer location billion selling price sale diabetes portfolio in included fyqytd gem include middle east oceania africa includes refer quot for definition reconciliations measures constant exchange rate continued...

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