File: Personality Pdf 26134 | Ies Examination Pattern And Syllabus
indian engineering services ies about the indian engineering services ies are the services which cater to the technical and managerial functions of the government of india in the field of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Indian engineering services ies about the are which cater to technical and managerial functions of government india in field exam also known as examination ese is a national level recruitment organized by union public commission upsc three stage competitive preliminary main personality tests conducted for recruit candidates posts under four branches namely civil mechanical electronics communication one exams that meet requirement hence considered toughest examinations country nearly two lakh appear every year officers selected on basis combined process test merit they recommended available nature work an officer through depends branch cadre s he recruited i shall comprise papers subject duration max marks category paper general studies aptitude hrs ii total cell rguktn page iii b c objective type common all current issues international importance relating social economic industrial development covering logical reasoning analytical ability mathematics numerical analysis principles desig...