predatory publications in scopus evidence on cross country differences vit machaek martin srholec ies working paper 20 2019 institute of economic studies faculty of social sciences charles university in prague ...
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...Predatory publications in scopus evidence on cross country differences vit machaek martin srholec ies working paper institute of economic studies faculty social sciences charles university prague opletalova cz e mail fsv cuni http institut ekonomickych studii fakulta socialnich vd univerzita karlova v praze praha disclaimer the papers is an online series for works by and students czech republic are peer reviewed views expressed documents served this site do not reflect or any other department they sole property respective authors additional info at copyright notice although all published provided without charge licensed personal academic educational use rights reserved citations references to must be appropriately cited bibliographic information m can downloaded a b ainstitute cerge ei joint workplace economics academy politickych vz email corresponding author machacek july abstract maps infiltration so called scholarly journals into citation database using names potential possible pro...