creative brief client client contact information name company name phone email project name and description prepared by name phone number and email address for the person or team members who ...
Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 01 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Creative brief client contact information name company phone email project and description prepared by number address for the person or team members who are responsible account managers background overview what s big picture going on in market anything happening side that should know about any opportunities problems this is where you introduce to ll go over again briefing session but write it down as well example a large pharma launching new line of household cleaning products under brand clean o marketing problem rapid rise brands like brighter capturing younger our business goal therefore create product will appeal generation consumers has been assigned lead washing powder rare opportunity build from scratch objective ad campaign concise statement effect have typically expressed an action frequently focused make audience think feel do primary persuade buy use characterise target we talking profile more how real people behave than numbers percentages aim here paint portrait verbal can...