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picture1_Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 24091 | Ppt Resettlement Plan Bilingual

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File: Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 24091 | Ppt Resettlement Plan Bilingual
contents of resettlement plan contents of resettlement plan contents of resettlement plan contents of resettlement plan endorsement letter endorsement letter executive summary executive summary 1 project description 1 project description ...

icon picture PPT Power Point PPT | Diposting 31 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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Kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam file ini mungkin membantu anda melihat apakah file ini sesuai dengan yang dicari :

...Contents of resettlement plan endorsement letter executive summary project description scope land acquisition and resettl ement socioeconomic survey policy legal framework eligibility entitlements relocation housing settlements income restoration rehabilitation me asures budget financing pl an information dissemin ation consultation participation approach es disclosure requirements grievance redress mechanisms implementation schedule institutional for resettlem ent monitoring evaluation appendices signed by the person in charge from ea or local govern ment to strictly execute impleme ntation rp is a succinct report on key aspe cts about pages it should cover salient po ints general discussion components that result involuntary both identification area detailed alternatives considered avoid minimize two more than including table with quantified data comparison impact index each alternative provide rationale final decision why remaining impacts are unavoidable...

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