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picture1_Project Management Spread Sheet 24090 | Ppt Resettlement Implementation Management Bilingual

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File: Project Management Spread Sheet 24090 | Ppt Resettlement Implementation Management Bilingual
contents contents a loan covenants a loan covenants for resettlement implementation for resettlement implementation b resettlement implementation b resettlement implementation and management and management a a loan covenants for resettlement ...

icon picture PPT Power Point PPT | Diposting 31 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Contents a loan covenants for resettlement implementation b and management ir general provisions rp updating contractor supervision monitoring reporting project completion evaluation in accordance with the s local laws compensation paid prior to dispossession timely provision of funds including contingency aps must be better off or at least fully restored if based on fs need full update detailed design start civil works pd confirm desig n addendum significant changes during requires endorsement disclosure adb approval concurrence we bsite uploading...

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