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picture1_Vfrg Pdf 232670 | Faq Eafms

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File: Vfrg Pdf 232670 | Faq Eafms
army frg and earmy family messaging integration frequently asked questions why are eafms and army frg combining what does this integration entail as part of the ongoing efforts to consolidate ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Army frg and earmy family messaging integration frequently asked questions why are eafms combining what does this entail as part of the ongoing efforts to consolidate systems take fiscal responsibility we integrating into system was created be used a tool for communication dissemination information soldiers members adds an additional resource will occur in stages unit sites need if they not already established single sign functionality on option currently available users who log through www earmyfamily com now access logging your vfrg site you find link featured menu list b still manage user account activities during stage data migration from september first is bring all map groups appropriate i that do have one automatically them import process ii sponsor accounts only soldier matched database iii member associated limited two per group management maintained updates get sent behind scenes c important admins assign their mapping within d new or over interface early october order create...

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