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picture1_Ethics Pdf 231696 | Ge6075 Professional Ethics Mcqs

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File: Ethics Pdf 231696 | Ge6075 Professional Ethics Mcqs
anna university chennai 25 information technology ge6075 professional ethics multiple choice questions part a ii year it unit i 1 which of the following is not in senses of engineering ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Anna university chennai information technology ge professional ethics multiple choice questions part a ii year it unit i which of the following is not in senses engineering ans d activity and area inquiry b understanding moral values c resolving issues justifying personal one three types normative conceptual factual informal dilemmas are conflicting obligation duties rights ideals wishes characteristic profession knowledge organization public good autonomy showing concerns for other people self determination beliefs based on critical reflection passive adoption conventions society or identify giligan s theory development justice logic rule more caring order to save his wife heinz forcibly entered pharmacy stole drug according kohlberg about this incident was wrong right he could have tried solutions solution should be basis context when violated we apply virtue utilitarionism duty appropriate statement ought produce most utilitarianism maxim keep your promises comes under act relevant ...

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