institutional issues involving ethics and justice vol i the philosophy of professional ethics timo airaksinen the philosophy of professional ethics timo airaksinen university of helsinki finland keywords applied ethics business ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Institutional issues involving ethics and justice vol i the philosophy of professional timo airaksinen university helsinki finland keywords applied business classical professions engineering professionalism code values service ideal sociology technological system contents three types sociological foundations goals work their problems normative evaluative elements in duty obligation rights virtues life principle double loyalties progress rationality its main characteristics future glossary bibliography biographical sketch summary is a field whose purpose to define clarify criticize typical are characterized sociologically by means members scientifically grounded expertise such definition applies what can be called understood reference that unesco eolss for example physician s primary goal promote health every profession has own associated with value from point view philosophical said sample chapters embody obligations peculiar each entails also virtuous character studied autonomy impera...