subject code engl2002 subject title english for academic communication credit value 3 level 2 pre requisite none co requisite exclusion objectives this subject is designed as a core english proficiency ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Subject code engl title english for academic communication credit value level pre requisite none co exclusion objectives this is designed as a core proficiency course to focus explicitly on developing students language skills and general abilities in listening speaking within the context of purposes eap aimed at enabling communicate more fluently confidently with each other well users such lecturers fellow an setting will be given practice both specific aspects related taking lecture notes giving oral presentations further focuses encouraging take responsibility their own learning intended upon completion able outcomes category professional knowledge develop managing study identify explore ideas through investigation semantic relations discourse b understand meaning by using features sentence stress intonation voice emphasis clues comprehension c evaluate importance information understanding its overall structure sub sections d spoken critically recognizing speaker attitude viewpoint e...