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picture1_Calibration Pdf 230160 | Flame Photometer

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File: Calibration Pdf 230160 | Flame Photometer
flame photometer bwb 1 1 switch on the flame photometer 2 open propane gas cylinder and turn the fuel adjustment knob on the front panel to the right 3 fill ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Flame photometer bwb switch on the open propane gas cylinder and turn fuel adjustment knob front panel to right fill u tube with tap water flam by press or accept clibaration view calibration will display state of each ion type single point multi select appropriate this show a screen displaying details for that calibrate button scroll prompts choose desired led illuminate prompt enter number points from run blank start aspirating solution flushing chamber few seconds then acquiring value when signal has stabilized first cal accepted standard concentration in units repeat through all standards last is returns main menu other ions can be calibrated repeating above read mode levels results five are displayed simultaneously use buttons adjust order one three icons next indicating whether its particular was s m not n if unit been you any readings pressing take sub where raw data detailed information numerical represents magnitude detected using key back into running samples unknown sample s...

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