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picture1_Calibration Pdf 230141 | Postioner Calibration

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File: Calibration Pdf 230141 | Postioner Calibration
calibration of 4 20ma 0 10vdc and 1 5 vdc positioner boards the non interactive zero and span on the amc 100 amc 101 electronic positioner board allow for easy ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Calibration of ma vdc and positioner boards the non interactive zero span on amc electronic board allow for easy field once unit has been installed in line note all units are shipped with deadband factory adjusted conjunction feedback potentiometer only limited adjustments should be necessary please refer to accompanying outline location adjustment points i set apply ac power command signal minimum v type adjust so that actuator moves closed position open this can achieved by turning screw either cw or ccw one degree turn if does not move check limit switches make sure switch is engaged cam arm hunting e stopping moving back forth until stops warning failure might occur continuous cause excessive wear motor parts brakes potentiometers also internal temperature housing rise a level exceeds maximum rating c ii important an offset setting rather than absolute which means affects changed checked desired no affect proper operation linearity halfway verify midway between bi torq valve automa...

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