File: Calibration Pdf 230024 | Manual Flame Photometer Eng Fp640 Fp6410
note this manual only applies to 6400a fp640 fp6410 fp6430 fp6431 fp6432 fp6440 and fp6450 flame photometer without the prior written permission of our company part or all of this ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Note this manual only applies to a fp and flame photometer without the prior written permission of our company part or all are not allowed copy reproduce translate into its languages contents subject change www hinotek com principles applications features keypad operations curve calibration sample test technical indicators specifications system configuration direct reading proportional value mother liquor installation instructions potassium sodium conditions oxide unpacking instrument appearance structure conversion between mmol l g ml maintenance troubleshooting notes debugging warranty series emission spectrum as basic principle which uses heat excites atoms in alkaline earth metal absorb energy transit previous level when it drops normal has release released spectral characteristics namely certain wavelength range for example place salt will display yellow color due flames falling back displaying is often called reaction different alkali metals colors qualitative tests can be carrie...