chemistry 321 quantitative analysis lab webnote calibration of volumetric glassware glass apparatus used to measure the volume of a liquid or gas is called volumetric glassware some examples are pipets ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chemistry quantitative analysis lab webnote calibration of volumetric glassware glass apparatus used to measure the volume a liquid or gas is called some examples are pipets flasks and burets despite their simplicity these items capable giving very precise accurate measurements provided they calibrated properly there pitfalls subtle sources error that you must be aware in order make full use available accuracy read appropriate sections your textbook deals with correct desired analytical techniques balance similar often classical wet methods distinguish them from more modern rather extensive electronic instruments this not say have become old fashioned out date still certain advantages among speed absence expensive sometimes temperamental interestingly usually give higher inherent precision chemists come think relative uncertainty about one part per thousand as an ideal goal sought such note although few real world actually attain high degree many close reasons for choosing ease whereas...