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picture1_Calibration Pdf 229730 | 58596 Item Download 2023-03-03 01-00-08

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File: Calibration Pdf 229730 | 58596 Item Download 2023-03-03 01-00-08
doi 10 5772 intechopen 72932 provisional chapter chapter 6 linearity of calibration curves for analytical methods a review of criteria for assessment of method linearity of calibration curves for analytical ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Doi intechopen provisional chapter linearity of calibration curves for analytical methods a review criteria assessment method reliability seyed mojtaba moosavi and sussan ghassabian additional information is available at the end http dx org abstract curve regression model used to predict unknown concentrations ana lytes interest based on response instrument known standards some statistical analyses are required choose best fitting experimental data also evaluate homoscedasticity using an internal standard corrects loss analyte during sample preparation analysis provided that it selected appropriately after needs be validated quality control qc samples prepared stored in same temperature as intended study most international guidelines require parameters including specificity selectivity accuracy precision lower limit quantification lloq matrix effect stability assessed valida tion despite highly regulated area challenges still exist regarding validation when no free keywords introductio...

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