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picture1_Academic Pdf 229240 | 3 Item Download 2023-03-02 14-29-01

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File: Academic Pdf 229240 | 3 Item Download 2023-03-02 14-29-01
the academic motivation scale ams factorial structure invariance and validity in the italian context fabio alivernini italian national institute for the educational evaluation of instruction and training fabio lucidi university ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The academic motivation scale ams factorial structure invariance and validity in italian context fabio alivernini national institute for educational evaluation of instruction training lucidi university roma la sapienza main purpose this study was to validate an version a sample high school students completed translation also indi cating their intentions persist versus drop out performance series exams results confirmatory factor analysis confirmed fivefactor showed across gender types schools had satisfactory levels internal consistency correlations among subscales were consistent with simplex pattern hypothesized by selfdetermination theory sdt addition relationships between scores two measured motivational consequences sum present findings provide adequate support reliability sup port its use research on key words student validation correspondence concerning article should be addressed alvernini ational villa falconieri frascati rm italy e mail fa bio invalsi it introduction claims t...

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