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picture1_Parking Standards 2015

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File: Parking Standards 2015
appendix midlothian council parking standards 2014 midlothian council parking standards index introduction page 3 parking design cycle car and disabled page 4 cycle parking standards page 5 car parking standards ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Appendix midlothian council parking standards index introduction page design cycle car and disabled p a g e the correct level of provision both on road off are an essential component any new development in scottish government policy guidance designing streets has drastically changed street some previous used by local authorities now inappropriate addition planning document addendum to nppg transport maximum be taken into account as do recommendations use cycling sestran south east scotland partnership have also published based largely accessibility these been consideration this seeks provide specific taking our urban rural environments safety encouragement sustainable green modes should integral part all designed comply with please refer directly further relevant can found note residential chartered institution highways transportation convenient secure is critical increasing cycles designers aim ensure that access at least overall whilst aid traffic calming advantageous care must fores...

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