6 standards that apply to all development projects with residential uses this chapter presents standards that are applicable to all projects with residential uses standards that apply to all development ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Standards that apply to all development projects with residential uses this chapter presents are applicable parking spaces figure enclosed space shall have a minimum width of feet and mini universal must mum depth table summaries the standard compact pro stall length aisle dimensions vide next obstructions door swing obstruction tandem when two or more reserved required for single dwelling unit such may be developed as tan parallel dem subject any limitations in regarding percentage units accommodate vehicles curb angle per alameda county guidelines bicycle long term each commercial office establishment six employees provide main at ratio one vehicle entrance accessible without moving another bicy cle multi family max short provided every four min rate percent location located number automobile on same site use it serves estab an locker fenced covered lishment locked storage area bicyle open balconies is not permitted unless there large bicycles publicly visible employee showers locker...