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picture1_Confidence Pdf 228536 | Functional Abilities Confidence Scale

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File: Confidence Pdf 228536 | Functional Abilities Confidence Scale
agency pid date cpt patient name therapist functional abilities confidence scale the functional abilities confidence scale facs was designed to measure the degree of self efficacy or confidence a patient ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agency pid date cpt patient name therapist functional abilities confidence scale the facs was designed to measure degree of self efficacy or a exhibits with various movements postures refers individual s beliefs in his her capabilities for performing specific actions meeting situational demands has been shown be better predictor treatment adherence and outcome than actual physical can aid clinician determining why patients are not at levels expected their known when low discovered then gear efforts toward improving ultimately progress as well consists questions which answered scored on confident all completely basis higher percentage level asked circle that best describes they could perform activity situations regardless pain discomfort instructions i would like know how you do things today using rating meaning no total decide about each write represents your safely sit any type chair seat long want need stand walk climb up down stairs get from sofa out car bus sleep comfortably reach ...

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