File: Functional Programming Pdf 197066 | Notes9 4
copyright c r a van engelen fsu department of computer science 2000 2003 what is functional programming 2 functional programming functional programming is a declarative programming paradigm overview computation is ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Copyright c r a van engelen fsu department of computer science what is functional programming declarative paradigm overview computation more implicit and call the only form explicit control but imperative languages are widely used historical origins integrated software development environments for today procedural object oriented concepts industrial strength often include extensive libraries crash course on in scheme many commercial applications exist symbolic data manipulation natural language processing artificial intelligence automatic theorem proving algebra algorithmic optimization programs written pure note study chapter sections to except why this origin will be illustrate diversity church s thesis discussed all models equally powerful can compute any function compiled or interpreted turing model machine have simple syntax reading writing values an infinite tape by finite state use garbage collection memory management statically scoped dynamically lambda calculus higher order fu...