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File: Confidence Pdf 228500 | 125959421
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 570 proceedings of the international conference on economics business social and humanities icebsh 2021 the correlation between conformity and self confidence ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume proceedings of the international conference on economics business icebsh correlation between conformity self confidence among late adolescents jakarta veronica tannur roswiyani faculty psychology universitas tarumanagara indonesia corresponding author email fpsi untar ac id abstract is a form behavior that may affect someone s action to correspond what their environment desires meanwhile belief oneself think act make decisions expected friend circle this aims understand choice as participants based fact they are still phase discovering identity an unstable condition recruits jabodetabek there only who met criteria correlational design used discover by using pearson test it found negative variables r p indicates no significant keywords introduction stenley hall adolescence period full problems storm stress uncertainty caused background change psychological aspect aida next be capable transition childhood understanding o...

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