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picture1_Confidence Pdf 228239 | Citra Asri Melati, Bab Ii

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File: Confidence Pdf 228239 | Citra Asri Melati, Bab Ii
5 chapter ii literature review a the nature of self confidence 1 self confidence yashima 2004 137 as cited in safaa 2012 61 states that self confidence is the most ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter ii literature review a the nature of self confidence yashima as cited in safaa states that is most essential factor determines learners willingness to participate oral activities language classroom foreign who possess perform well and likely themselves be capable goel says one personality trait which composite person s thought feelings striving hopes fears fantasies his view what he has been might become attitudes pertaining worth essentially an attitude allows us have positive realistic perception ourselves our abilities refers individual perceived ability act effectively situation overcome obstacles get things go all right another definition explains conviction achieve aim or goal life hakim luxori juwita result compounding between feeling produce towards himself possessing will make someone feels good thinks able anxiety negative thingking about other people correlation study citra asri melati fkip ump nuraeni also personal so does not feel worried every action do something ...

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