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picture1_Oswestry Disability Index 228064 | Odi Item Download 2023-03-02 04-29-02

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File: Oswestry Disability Index 228064 | Odi Item Download 2023-03-02 04-29-02
physical therapy wellness services pain management sports enhancement instructions for the modified oswestry low back pain disability index odi this questionnaire has been designed to give your therapist information as ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Physical therapy wellness services pain management sports enhancement instructions for the modified oswestry low back disability index odi this questionnaire has been designed to give your therapist information as how affected ability manage in everyday life please answer every question each place a check mark by statement that best describes condition today we realize you may feel two of statements describe but only line which most closely current is accommodate multiple evaluations fill out column evaluation date are completing example intensity mild and comes goes does not vary much moderate severe section be completed patient name age ad non active duty occupation number days episode initial follow up discharge boxes entering one box per category personal care washing dressing etc i do have change way wash dress myself avoid normally or even though it causes me some increases my can without changing doing...

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