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picture1_Psychological Well Being Scale Ryff 227981 | 110610180 6v

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File: Psychological Well Being Scale Ryff 227981 | 110610180 6v
perbedaan psychological well being pada penderita diabetes tipe 2 usia dewasa madya ditinjau dari strategi coping titi angraeni ika yuniar cahyanti fakultas psikologi universitas airlangga surabaya abstract this research aimed ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Perbedaan psychological well being pada penderita diabetes tipe usia dewasa madya ditinjau dari strategi coping titi angraeni ika yuniar cahyanti fakultas psikologi universitas airlangga surabaya abstract this research aimed to find out if there any difference of on middle age adult with type based strategy is a positive character ownership self acceptance relation others autonomy enviromental mastery purpose in life and personal growth referred problem focused emotion carried poli penyakit dalam at rsud sidoarjo number the subject as much people including male female who has are years old sampling by incidental techniques collecting data using form questionnaire which adapt from ryff s scale items cope reliability for analysis was conducted statistical distinction independent sample t test help statistics programs spss version windows results produce value p result shows that no keywords abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada apabila merupakan kepemilikan akan ka...

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