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picture1_Psychological Well Being Scale Ryff 228117 | Construct Validation Of Ryffs Psychological Wellbeing Scale Evidence From Filipino Teachers In Th

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File: Psychological Well Being Scale Ryff 228117 | Construct Validation Of Ryffs Psychological Wellbeing Scale Evidence From Filipino Teachers In Th
philippine journal of psychology 2018 51 1 1 20 copyright 2018 psychological association of the philippines construct validation of ryff s psychological well being scale evidence from filipino teachers in ...

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...Philippine journal of psychology copyright psychological association the philippines construct validation ryff s well being scale evidence from filipino teachers in jonalyn b villarosa palawan state university fraide a ganotice jr hong kong shue yan research on has given attention to employees various industries but involving particularly non western contexts remains scarce using both within and between network approaches this study attends gaps literature through examination psychometric properties item theory derived which taps six core dimensions autonomy environmental mastery personal growth positive relations with others purpose life self acceptance confirmatory factor analysis data provide support for priori model although number items obtained poor loadings suggests that these are linked job performance findings discussed relation development potential agenda context keywords correspondence concerning article can be addressed college teacher education puerto princesa city email ...

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