File: Ops008 Instructions For Conducting Examinations
instructions for conducting examinations reference number ops008 revision history version last revised next review date policy owner notes 1 0 december 2013 natalie jewitt 2 0 december 2014 natalie jewitt ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Instructions for conducting examinations reference number ops revision history version last revised next review date policy owner notes december natalie jewitt february minor amendments march may page of doc overview global and local before the examination venue preparation equipment stationery criteria on day identifying candidates entry to general rules running room after only appendix receipt scripts irregularities report chief invigilator s confirmation despatch these contain all necessary information enable ncc education centres conduct assessments safely securely efficiently invigilators must read this booklet have access it describe procedures qualifications separate arrangements are in place university worcester greenwich central lancashire please contact centre support further if you any questions regarding assessment runs two types marked centrally by sent courier completed returned uk head office marking moderation take at time specified locally each individual with a scheme...