File: Pdf Certificate Online 187602 | Scheme Of Examinations And Pass Criteria
scheme of examinations and pass criteria 37 general conditions i the scheme of examinations and pass criteria for all india delhi senior school certificate and all india deihl secondary examinations ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Scheme of examinations and pass criteria general conditions i the for all india delhi senior school certificate deihl secondary conducted by board shall be as laid down from time to ii class xi ix internally schools themselves iii will conduct external at end xii x iv based on syllabi prescribed respectively v number papers duration examination marks each subject paper specified in curriculum year vi would theory well practicals depending upon nature s grades allotted vii awarded individual subjects aggregate not given grading assessment practical numerical scores addition indicate sheets issued candidates case internal only shown letter a nine point scale used however made five e b c d derived they qualifying involving work candidate must obtain separately order toqualify that awarding put passed students rank award follows top th next failed notes minor variations proportion adjust ties tie getting same score get grade if need divided into two segments smaller segment go with larger ...