before the public utilities commission of the state of south dakota in the matter of the application of order granting kci long distance inc for a certificate of certificate of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Before the public utilities commission of state south dakota in matter application order granting kci long distance inc for a certificate authority to provide telecommunications services tc on august accordance with sdcl and arsd received an from proposes operate as reseller intrastate such wats travel card debit proposed tariff was filed by has classified service fully competitive electronically transmitted notice filing intervention deadline interested individuals entities no petitions intervene or comments were at its regularly scheduled september meeting considered kcl s request staff recommended subject condition that not offer prepaid calling require deposits advance payments without prior approval finds it jurisdiction over this pursuant chapter specifically met legal requirements established demonstrated sufficient technical financial managerial capabilities approves final decision is therefore ordered hereby granted further shall file informational copies changes occur dated p...