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picture1_Sscwg51 A01 Ams Iii Aj

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File: Sscwg51 A01 Ams Iii Aj
clean development mechanism cdm sscwg51 a01 draft small scale methodology ams iii aj recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes version 05 0 sectoral scope s 13 cdm sscwg51 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 27 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Clean development mechanism cdm sscwg a draft small scale methodology ams iii aj recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes version sectoral scope s cover note procedural background the recommended revision waste is based on request for ssc to glass purpose broaden applicability thereby reducing emissions by replacing virgin raw used produce recycled key issues proposed solutions currently contains provisions only calculate energy savings use plastic such as hdpe ldpe pet pp material includes conservative default baseline specific electricity consumption mwh tonne relevant determine reduction impacts if approved will facilitate implementation project activities component cpas in sector subsequent work timelines wg consideration board at its ninetieth meeting no further envisaged recommendations recommends that adopt this final revised be made effective time approval table contents page introduction entry into force case target participation informal b greenfield facility or ...

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