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picture1_Society Pdf 160082 | 20 Industrial Rev

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File: Society Pdf 160082 | 20 Industrial Rev
chapter 20 the industrial revolution and its impact on european society chapter outline the industrial revolution in great britain the spread of industrialization the social impact of the industrial revolution ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter the industrial revolution and its impact on european society outline in great britain spread of industrialization social conclusion focus questions what conditions developments coalesced to bring about rst were basic features new system created by how did from continent united states those l areas differ british effects have urban life classes family standards living working like early decades efforts made improve them he french revolutiondramatically quickly altered tthe political structure france napoleonic conquests many revolutionary principles an equally rapid stunning fashion other parts europe during late eighteenth nineteenth centuries another one was transforming economic although a less dramatic period witnessed quantum leap production sources energy power especially coal steam replaced wind water create labor saving machines that dramatically decreased use human animal at same time increased level productivity turn machinery called for ways organizing maximize benets...

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