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picture1_Production Technology Pdf 223257 | Mtm 2018 8 313 The Blowing Process Of A Pet Bottles

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File: Production Technology Pdf 223257 | Mtm 2018 8 313 The Blowing Process Of A Pet Bottles
international scientific journal machines technologies materials web issn 1314 507x print issn 1313 0226 the blowing process of a pet bottles m sc eng kruszelnicka w m sc eng badowska ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International scientific journal machines technologies materials web issn x print the blowing process of a pet bottles m sc eng kruszelnicka w badowska witos p prof phd flizikowski j tomporowski ropiska ignaczak division technical systems faculty mechanical engineering university science and technology bydgoszcz poland weronika gmail com patrycjabaldowska utp edu pl fliz agriculture biotechnology ropinskapaulina wp piotra abstract article presents out is processed for various applications due to its very good physical properties in packaging industry it used production concepts blow molding produce hollow objects from thermoplastic basic has two fundamental phases first phase device s operation consists heating preforms second extension on axes by means pre then discussion was prepared basis collected literature data keywords industrial commodities wastes plastics waste management introduction are an inseparable element modern human life million tons were produced world which twenty ti...

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