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File: Fulltext01
create react app vs nextjs acomparisonoftworeactjsbased webapplication frameworks jens johansson type of document computer engineering ba c final project maineldofstudy computer engineering credits 15 hp semester year vt 21 supervisor ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Create react app vs nextjs acomparisonoftworeactjsbased webapplication frameworks jens johansson type of document computer engineering ba c final project maineldofstudy credits hp semester year vt supervisor magnus eriksson miun se author jejo student examiner patrik osterberg degreeprogramme computerscience abstract web applications are built on numerous different and developers have a plethora to choose from whendeveloping application two popular the market cra each framework has its ownadvantagesanddisadvantagesindifferentperspectives objective this study is review if there any differences in these webframeworks continuous integration delivery per spective looking closer at development process when extending time it takes build deploy applica tions gain knowledge about subject theoretical based sources been made an created both then be extended with further tools tobeabletoperformthecomparison thestudyshowsthattheframeworks resultsinsimilarbuildanddeploymenttimesbutdoeshoweverdiffer...

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