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picture1_Measures Pdf 220194 | 4951 Item Download 2023-02-22 06-31-14

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File: Measures Pdf 220194 | 4951 Item Download 2023-02-22 06-31-14
2019 proceedings of the edsig conference issn 2473 4901 cleveland ohio v5 n4951 implementing agile as an instructional methodology for low code software development courses laura f poe lpoe richmond ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Proceedings of the edsig conference issn cleveland ohio v n implementing agile as an instructional methodology for low code software development courses laura f poe lpoe richmond edu lionel mew lmew university va abstract objective traditional focuses on competencies programming languages and technical tools project methodologies are typically taught separate in information systems undergraduate programs not incorporated until final capstone course rather than teaching secondary to learning phase these can be actively into applying theoretical concepts classroom this research measures outcome instituting tool a using mendix platform keywords pedagogy rapid delivery introduction linear methods halpern tarr from advent case paper reports new about ability program combining with easily reliably generate applications did provide synergistic emerge decades later experience non students six week summer s allowed less support is possible due practitioners database emergence model driven by fa...

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