File: Fuel Pdf 217580 | 4) Lecture (2) Fuel(c) The Fuel Properties
fuel advanced combustion lecture 1 fuel 2 the fuel properties fuel introduction energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy by photosynthesis when burn dried plants or wood producing ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fuel advanced combustion lecture the properties introduction energy from sun is converted into chemical by photosynthesis when burn dried plants or wood producing in form of heat and light which are s originally stored that plant through most world today not main source use natural gas oil our homes mainly coal to water produce steam drive turbines for huge power generation systems these fuels often referred as fossil various types like liquid solid gaseous available depend on factors such costs availability storage handling pollution landed boilers furnaces other equipment knowledge helps selecting right purpose efficient type petrol gasoline peat kerosene coke alcohol producer bituminous heavy oils prepared pulverited used it consists carbon hydrogen burnt absence air represents next stage lignite formation consist very little moisture a coking b non softens swells heating gives no smoke burns with fairly long flame shorter than...