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picture1_Government Gazette   21st October 2020 Pa

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Government Gazette 21st October 2020 Pa

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nru no prezz price gazzetta tal gvern ta malta the government gazette l erbga ottubru pubblikata b awtorita wednesday st october published by authority sommarju summary avvii ippjanar planning notices il proess si full process applikazzjonijiet gal vilupp development applications din hija lista sia li waslu gand this is a list of complete received huma mqassmin are set out locality bil lokalita rappreentazzjonijiet fuq dawn any representations on these should be sent gandhom isiru miktub u jintbagtu fl uffiini in writing and at offices or jew indirizz elettroniku pa org through e mail address mt within fil perjodu mien speifikat hawn tat gandu period specified below quoting reference number jii kkwotat numru referenza may also submitted anonymously jistgu jkunu sottomessi anonimament sottomissjonijiet kollha lill all submissions to fi jiu kkunsidrati magmula will taken into consideration pubblii made public ejjin qed ppubblikati skont regolamenti following being accordance tar dwar wit...

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