soil biodiversity for agricultural production and environmental integrity s franz bender timothy m bowles kate m scow marcel g a van der heijden agroscope plant soil interactions dept of agroecology ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Soil biodiversity for agricultural production and environmental integrity s franz bender timothy m bowles kate scow marcel g a van der heijden agroscope plant interactions dept of agroecology environment zurich fao global symposium on soilbiodiversity earthworms arbuscular mycorrhizal x fungi root microbiome water in filtration organic matter decomposition rhizobia structure health carbon sequestration microarthropods nutrient release pest control phage free living microbes nematodes protozoa storage transformations intensive system natural sustainable but productive unproductive unsustainable et al trends ecology evolution the potential biota cropyield uptake enhanced life reduced...