the last lesson short answer type questions 3 marks 30 40 words question 1 why were some elderly persons occupying the back benches that day answer the elderly villagers occupied ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The last lesson short answer type questions marks words question why were some elderly persons occupying back benches that day villagers occupied in classroom on of they did this to show their affection for french language and pay respect teacher m hamel franz not want go school as he had prepared his participles would certainly scold him so wanted avoid going what wonder about when entered class was expecting a scolding from spoke very kindly asked sit also wondered at presence senior write vive la france backboard wrote love country well addition displaying resistance german occupation we have all got great deal reproach ourselves with said comment most people alsace could neither speak parents students preferred put them work earn money himself give much importance learning it demanded how display showed by telling beautiful world clearest logical bulletin board news caused change been stating only should be taught schools lorraine next whom blame s inability blamed habit putting of...