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File: 87aa74d9 6774 4981 A0f2 447bb1d9623b
impact of climate change and variability on paddy cultivation in sri lanka p k v s dananjaya chandusridananjaya gmail com sabaragamuwa university of sri lanka a a shantha sabaragamuwa university ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Impact of climate change and variability on paddy cultivation in sri lanka p k v s dananjaya chandusridananjaya gmail com sabaragamuwa university a shantha l n patabendi systematic review keywords posted date october th doi https org rs license this work is licensed under creative commons attribution international read full page abstract are two the most widespread topics recent studies researchers study agriculture sector world because agricultural directly affected by climatic within could be named as one vulnerable sectors to variabilities parameters such rainfall precipitation rice staple food for billion people lankans among them thus it crucial order safeguard country requirements has reviewed publications that have been published related before ndings proved there positive relationship between increase production during maha season but not equally distributed moreover increasing temperature negative overcome these adverse impacts various adaptation strategies suggested scholars ...

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