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picture1_Cost Sheet Format In Excel 33405 | Cost Estimates Simple

 138x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.07 MB       Source: www.adb.org

File: Cost Sheet Format In Excel 33405 | Cost Estimates Simple
sheet 1 assumptions outputs listing output no description 1 high voltage substations 2 high voltage transmission lines 3 medium and low voltage systems 4 grid stabilization 5 project management exchange ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet assumptions outputs listing output no description high voltage substations transmission lines medium and low systems grid stabilization project management exchange rate per usd base cost estimation date inflation rates international domestic source erd website annual on ppp price contingency factors fx expenditure lc adjustment factor physical matrix land acquisition environmental resettlement hv equipment erection substation ml consulting services taxes of works goods excise duty central sales tax baseexcise total service associated civil freight amp insurance the component in each package is to be updated column h consolidated investment plan page procurement data cat code exworks hvtr towers material kv dc twin moose conductors lilo jaisalmer jodhpurmerta c design implementation consultant ramgarh akal conductor gs static var compensators communications software computers hardware hvss bhadla x mva bikaner augmentation transformers shunt reactors mlss kanasar extension feeder ...

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