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picture1_Agricultural And Rural Transformation In Ethiopia

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File: Agricultural And Rural Transformation In Ethiopia
agricultural and rural transformation in ethiopia obstacles triggers and reform considerations policy working paper 01 2020 getachew diriba january 2020 addis ababa ethiopia isbn 978 99944 54 72 3 agricultural ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agricultural and rural transformation in ethiopia obstacles triggers reform considerations policy working paper getachew diriba january addis ababa isbn table of contents introduction challenges a brief overview ethiopian policies programs to the rising tide hunger poverty input output price constraints property right dilemma organizational inefficiencies incoherence fearful creative destruction agriculture environment nexus growth without crop sub sector livestock framing processes conceptualizing development literature call action incentives quadruple approach sustained intergenerational commitments legal regulatory facilitate decisive mechanization access inputs private lead effective accountable capacity accessible financial credit services environmental sustainability references ii list tables number holders by land size ha cattle holding main growing areas region ownership pastoral total resources figures figure emergency safety net program beneficiaries value imported cereals da...

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