File: Restaurant Pdf 215340 | Nutritioninthefastlane
nutrition in the tm fast facts fast lane about fast food published by franklin publishing inc michael e jones president po box 5 franklin indiana ontact or ranklinubearthlink net isit ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nutrition in the tm fast facts lane about food published by franklin publishing inc michael e jones president po box indiana ontact or ranklinubearthlink net isit our ebsite astoodacts co istributed illy indianaolis credits editor ichard j parkersburg est irginia editorial onsultants b ckelire lan isle med m utrition onsultant and exchange alue alculations eather fink ngie cheet ational institute fitness ort ata indiidual estaurants excluding suggested values oilation o athaniel lexander oer esign borsho uggested alues based on choose your foods lists for diabetes oyright he erican iabetes ssociation ietetic inoration this ublication is ost current nutritional data aail able at tie as receied ro restaurant chains included ere calculated an indeendent consultant to assure consistency endorseent ade any institution rod uct ublisher either nor clais be licensed gie edical adice total calories carbohydrates saturated trans cholesterol sodiu dietary iber sugar rotein listed each ite are onl...