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picture1_Maize Farming Pdf 213927 | 21 5361 00 E

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File: Maize Farming Pdf 213927 | 21 5361 00 E
afdc 16 774 dtzs draft tanzania standard production and handling of maize grains good agriculture practice gap tanzania bureau of standards afdc 16 774 dtzs 0 foreword maize grain is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Afdc dtzs draft tanzania standard production and handling of maize grains good agriculture practice gap bureau standards foreword grain is produced in large quantities regions more than any other cereal crops it a major food security crop the country being staple for an estimated percent population important source carbohydrates protein vitamin b minerals this code takes into account need to promote agricultural practices that will enhance nutrition wider market access involvement small scale traders hence making farming viable means wealth creation guide producers gaining knowledge safe processing transportation manner ensures keeping quality until reaches consumer be implemented by multisectorial stakeholders value chain preparation considerable help was derived from arso corn scope provides zea mays l applies all steps cultivating post harvest normative references following referenced documents are indispensable application document dated only edition cited undated latest including ...

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