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picture1_Agricultural Development Pdf 213925 | 690 En Strategic Policy Options To Develop Maize And Feed Production In Indonesia

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File: Agricultural Development Pdf 213925 | 690 En Strategic Policy Options To Develop Maize And Feed Production In Indonesia
strategic policy options to develop maize and feed production in indonesia dewa k s swastika made o a manikmas and bambang sayaka indonesian center for agricultural socio economic research and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strategic policy options to develop maize and feed production in indonesia dewa k s swastika made o a manikmas bambang sayaka indonesian center for agricultural socio economic research development jl yani bogor introduction background is the most popular ingredient of manufactured world particularly tropic region major component accounting about percent efforts substitute some other crops are likely unsuccessful tangendjaja also second important food crop after rice it was indicated by percentage area planted relative total kasryno reported that during period occupied another dedicated plantation palawija such as soybean mungbean peanut cassava sweet potato last three decades fao data showed has shown substantial growth from million metric tons this increase mainly attributed adoption improved technology especially high yielding varieties including hybrid resulting higher productivity rapid however failed meet domestic demand causing net import periods reached self sufficiency with ind...

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