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picture1_Agriculture Vocabulary Pdf 213803 | Paper31

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File: Agriculture Vocabulary Pdf 213803 | Paper31
agriculture activity ontology an ontology for core vocabulary of agriculture activity 1 2 1 3 sungmin joo seiji koide hideaki takeda daisuke horyu 3 3 akane takezaki and tomokazu yoshida ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agriculture activity ontology an for core vocabulary of sungmin joo seiji koide hideaki takeda daisuke horyu akane takezaki and tomokazu yoshida national institute informatics hitotsubashi chiyoda ku tokyo japan nii ac jp ontolonomy llc j mutsukawa minami yokohama co food research organization kannondai tsukuba ibaraki jones affrc go abstract thispaperproposesagricultureactivityontology aao as a basis the agricultural since concepts activities are formed by various context such purpose means crop eld we organize hierarchy discriminated properties pur pose is then dened subset consis tent extendable capable some inferences thanks to description logics so inherits these features it expected use in data format system keywords agronomic sciences knowledge repre sentation management introduction systems have been introduced farm realize better i e more ecient resource ner production control product quality now indispensable farmmanagement datainfarmmanagementisalsousedinownpurposebutthe agg...

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