Purchasing Management: Strategies & Organisations Learning goals DAY 1 DAY 2 Following this module, participants will be able to: Do we have the right • Align the purchasing strategies to business strategies. Purchasing Strategy? Do we have the right • Align the purchasing organization with business organization Purchasing Organisation? and constraints. • We will start by clarifying what is a company • We will ...
Procurement and Purchasing Management Sering istilah procurement, purchasing, sourcing dan beberapa istilah lainnya digunakan saling tertukar. Apakah definisi istilah istilah tersebut? Apa hubungannya satu sama lain? Apa saja sub proses di bawahnya? Bagaimana best practice setiap proses tersebut? Training ini akan mengajak peserta untuk memahami proses Procurement yang membawahi proses sourcing, purchasing, dsb. Peserta juga akan diajak mereview implementasi proses tsb diperusahaan masing-masing dan membandingkan ...
Category Management Talking Points for the Small Business Community What is category management? Category management organizes products and services into logical groupings so the government can buy more like a single enterprise. It is a strategic and systematic approach to purchasing that is widely used in the private sector. Ten government-wide categories of commonly purchased goods and services have been created for the federal government ...
MASTER’S THESIS Jenni Hyttinen, 2018 UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences Business Administration Master’s Programme in Purchasing and Supply Management, Double Degree Jenni Hyttinen IMPLEMENTING CATEGORY MANAGEMENT IN PROCUREMENT: A CHANGE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Master’s Thesis, 2018 1st Examiner: Professor Jukka Hallikas 2nd Examiner: Professor Doctor Holger Schiele ABSTRACT Author: Jenni Hyttinen Title: Implementing category management in procurement: A ...
CATEGORY MANAGEMENT Content of the Offering: Challenges: To reduce cost and risk in the procurement processes Approach: Category Management in Sourcing, using spend analysis to create tools and models Outcome: Increased overall value, reduced risk in the supply chain, reduced cost of buying goods and services Challenge for the industry today Expected Outcome Category management is today an established Applying Category Management in procurement benefits ...
Int. J. Procurement Management, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx 1 Purchasing category management: providing integration between purchasing and other business functions Jussi Heikkila* Tampere University of Technology, Industrial and Information Management, P.O. Box 527, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland Email: jussi.heikkila@tut.fi *Corresponding author Riikka Kaipia Chalmers University of Technology, Technology Management and Economics, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden and Aalto University School of Science, Industrial Engineering ...
Insight Why only a strategic approach can enable category management December 2019 Category Management Just what is strategy? While there is plenty Making sourcing strategic of debate about what ‘strategy’ is in a business setting, Johnson and Scholes Sourcing strategically does not come from the 1 traditional mindset that believes the role of purchasing (1993) defined it as: ‘the direction and is little ...