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picture1_Hand Tools Pdf 208914 | 05229cf9b012a3 Workshop Ch 1

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File: Hand Tools Pdf 208914 | 05229cf9b012a3 Workshop Ch 1
chapter 1 fitting shop 1 1 introduction manufacturing processes are broadly classified into four categories i casting processes ii forming processes iii fabrication processes and iv material removal processes in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter fitting shop introduction manufacturing processes are broadly classified into four categories i casting ii forming iii fabrication and iv material removal in all these components produced with the help of either machines or manual effort attention a fitter is required at various stages manufacture starting from marking to assembling testing finished goods working on hand tools instruments mostly work benches generally referred as operations include filing sawing scraping drilling tapping grinding etc using power operated portable measuring inspection maintenance equipment also considered important technicians holding bench vice device commonly used for pieces when handle turned clockwise direction moving jaw forces against fixed greater pressure applied tighter held body made cast iron hardened steel plates practice makes person perfect serrations ensure better gripping faces two jaws caps soft such aluminium galvanised g sheet protect surfaces gripped vices specified by maximu...

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