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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 41276 | Onewa Business Capabilities Agency Readiness Checklist

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 41276 | Onewa Business Capabilities Agency Readiness Checklist
sheet 1 agency stakeholder capabilities workshop checklist stakeholder item description responsible due date status identify workshop participant agencies will need to identify one workshop participant for each applicable workshop ideally ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet agency stakeholder capabilities workshop checklist item description responsible due date status identify participant agencies will need to one for each applicable ideally the be someone who has more knowledge than a high level business process understanding participants should have ability describe day processes in detail share overview and expectations after been selected an of common would expected do at least following review preread materials meet with other subject matter experts document feedback can actively participate large group setting address concerns may unsure activities take place or understand how their work fit overall this is opportunity any follow up ensure are completed sme s order properly prepare step prepared workshops backfill responsibilities during while away from normal they coverage mean that backup needs found time establish expectation supporting capability as there support clarity concerning role representative washington development...

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