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picture1_Contract Of Pledge Pdf 206969 | 202004221613338913sunita Com Bailment

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File: Contract Of Pledge Pdf 206969 | 202004221613338913sunita Com Bailment
business law b com ii semester topic contract of bailment and pledge by dr sunita srivastava department of commerce university of lucknow contract of bailment and pledge meaning of bailment ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Business law b com ii semester topic contract of bailment and pledge by dr sunita srivastava department commerce university lucknow meaning the word is derived from french baillier which means to deliver according sec a delivery goods one person another for some purpose with condition return when over or otherwise disposed off direction delivering them parties in bailor called bailee whom are delivered example mr x who going out station delivers dog y proper care hires horse riding watch repair gives cloth his tailor stitching essential elements valid agreement between ownership not change only movable forms returnof there must be an agreementbetween this may express implied however as it happens case finder lost necessary that should essence further possession voluntarily transferred accordance two types actual constructive car workshop dealer key remains anyone because if then becomes sale immovable could safe custody use transportation etc bailed changed like converted into shirt th...

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