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picture1_Cisg Ac Opinion 4 English

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File: Cisg Ac Opinion 4 English
cisg advisory council opinion no 4 contracts for the sale of goods to be manufactured or produced and mixed contracts article 3 cisg opinion comments 1 introduction 2 article 3 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cisg advisory council opinion no contracts for the sale of goods to be manufactured or produced and mixed article comments introduction supply a interpretation substantial part economic value v essential criterion quantification term b materials necessary such manufacture production labour other services relationship between paragraphs table cases cited as ac october rapporteur professor pilar perales viscasillas universidad carlos iii de madrid th adopted by on meeting held in with dissent reproduction this is authorized peter schlechtriem chair eric e bergsten michael joachim bonell alejandro m garro roy goode sergei n lebedev jan ramberg ingeborg schwenzer hiroo sono claude witz members loukas mistelis secretary govern different matters though complex transactions there may some reciprocal influence their application are considered sales unless party who orders undertakes interpreting words under primarily an should used only where impossible inappropriate apply taking into account ...

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