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picture1_Contracts Pdf 201419 | Cisg Ac Opinion No 16

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File: Contracts Pdf 201419 | Cisg Ac Opinion No 16
cisg advisory council opinion no 16 exclusion of the cisg under article 6 to be cited as cisg ac opinion no 16 exclusion of the cisg under article 6 rapporteur ...

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...Cisg advisory council opinion no exclusion of the under article to be cited as ac rapporteur doctor lisa spagnolo monash university australia adopted by following its th meeting in pretoria south africa on may reproduction this is authorized ingeborg schwenzer chair yesim atamer eric bergsten joachim bonell michael bridge alejandro garro roy goode john gotanda han shiyuan sergei lebedev pilar perales viscasillas jan ramberg ulrich schroeter hiroo sono claude witz members sieg eiselen secretary footnotes started a private initiative supported institute international commercial law at pace school and centre for studies queen mary london sales convention place support understanding united nations contracts sale goods promotion assistance uniform interpretation formative paris june prof peter schlechtriem freiburg germany was elected three year term dr loukas mistelis founding were emeritus e rome la sapienza allan farnsworth columbia m sir oxford n maritime arbitration commission chamber ...

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